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What's New 26

2024 and 2025

Welcome to the What's New section, every new addition to the website will be listed here. If you are purchasing three or more items please contact us for discounted delivery charges. 

 Please be sure to check What's New on a regular basis as new items are added weekly. 

What's new 26 starts from the 2nd January 2024. For previous new listings see this link What's new 25


C47 Fuel Gauge (Instruments pg 8 Fuel gauges 86)

Undercarriage Warning Horn B Dated 1942 (pg1 U/C)


Lancaster DR and LR Main Instrument Panel Bracket (pg 21 ins) 

Ammunition Belt Roller (No 108 pg1 Arm)

Frazer Nash Turret Hydraulic Unit (No 107 pg1 Arm)


49 Gallon 12 Volt Fuel gauge FG 100 (Instruments pg 8 Fuel gauges 85)

 Remote Contactor Control Box (No 23 Pg1 Inst)


Bolton Paul Turret control column (No 105 pg1 Arm)

Early Spitfire and Hurricane starter button (No 113 pg 2 Elec Swit)

Vickers three way fuel cock (No 54 pg1 Fuel)


George VI Scramble Bell 2 (No 34 Pg 1 Misc)

                                                                                                                         De Havilland Mosquito Brass Trench Art (No 20 Pg 1 Misc)

SE5A WW1 Fighter Model (No 14 Pg 1 Misc)

                                                                                                                          George VI Type S.A.2 Fire Extinguisher (No 6 Pg 1 Misc)


Deelen Airfield Luftwaffe Landing Marker (No 22 Pg 1 Misc)

De Havilland Mosquito Drinking Water Tank (No 21 Pg 1 Misc)

Sweetheart Badge India 1944 (No 16 Pg 1 Misc)

Wartime Stirrup Pump Dated 1941 (No 15 Pg 1 Misc)


Type 1 Mk 1 projector  Gunsight (pg1 Gun No 57)


Battle of Britain Vickers .303 MG to a named Spitfire. (Deactivated and ordnance pg1)


Spitfire Oxygen Regulator MK XIB (Pg11 Oxygen Gauge No 44)

MK IX G 1943 Rev Counter (Pg 13 Instruments Rev Counter 47)

MK I A Turn & Slip Indicator (Instruments page 15 Turn & Slip 16)

Artificial Horizon Instrument MK IA 6A/1209 (Inst pg 7 Directional Indicators & Art Horizon 21)

John Player RAF Badges Cigarette Cards (pg1 misc)


MK III Smiths 8 day Clock (Pg 5 Compasses and Clocks 84)

Oil Pressure Gauge MK XIE  (instruments page12 Pressure gauges 50)

Reproduction Spitfire Trim Gauge (Instruments 17 Trim gauge 10)

MK XIVA Altimeter (Ins pg3 Altimeter 51)

Triple Brake Gauge MK IC (Instruments pg 10 Brake gauges 19)

Spitfire Design Cufflinks (Pg1 Misc)

Wartime Enamel DANGER Sign (Pg1 Misc)


Spitfire Gun Camera Counter Type 45 (pg1 Gun Nos 56)

MK IB dated 1943 Fighter Type oil Temp Gauge (Page 14 temp gauges 31)

V1 nose propeller (Pg1 Rocket)

V1 compressed air intake(Pg1 Rocket)

V1 wood compass casing (Pg1 Rocket)

V1 Gyro compass component (Pg1 Rocket)

V1 Gyro compass component (Pg1 Rocket)

V1 Nose tip (Pg1 Rocket)

V1 Rudder (Pg1 Rocket)

B17 B24 Rear turret control (No 105 pg1 Arm)


                                                                                                                    Voltmeter Gauge 5A/1636 (Instruments 18 Volt and Ammeter 32)

Boost Gauge 24Lbs MK III M (Instruments pg 4 Boost Gauge 38)

MK IB Climb and Descend 1941 (Instruments pg 6 Climb and descend 14)

Bomber Magneto Switch Short Stalk (No 112 pg 2 Elec Swit)

Artificial Horizon Instrument MK IB 6A/1519 (Instruments pg 7 Directional Indicators & Art Horizon 20)

                                                                                                     Oil Pressure Gauge MK XIE Long Capillary (instruments page12 Pressure gauges 49)

Repro Blind Flying Panel Curved Top (pg21 Inst)


Mk II Reflector Day fighter Gunsight (pg1 Gun Nos 55)

Spitfire 480 MPH ASI  (pg 2 ins ASI Ref 65)

Spitfire 480 MPH ASI  (pg 2 ins ASI Ref 71)



B17 Hustling Sue various peaces (nos 23 pg 10 Relics )

B17 Hustling Sue perspex (nos 27 pg 10 Relics )

 B17 Hustling Sue parts (nos 26 pg 10 Relics )

B17 Hustling Sue  piece (nos 25 pg 10 Relics )

B17 Hustling Sue various pieces (nos 24 pg 10 Relics )


B17 Hustling Sue Sperry turret trigger (nos 22 pg 10 Relics )

B17 Hustling Sue pulley wheels (nos 21 pg 10 Relics )

B17 Hustling Sue spark plug (nos 20 pg 10 Relics )

B17 Hustling Sue ammunition links (nos 19 pg 10 Relics )

RAF Midlands Wartime Map (No 51 pg 1 Pilot Equip)

OS Aviation Map Of The Southwest Of England (No 50 pg 1 Pilot Equip)

WW2 Map Stranraer (No 49 pg 1 Pilot Equip)

RAF Map Orkneys And Shetlands (No 48 pg 1 Pilot Equip)


B17 Hustling Sue Gunsight and Flak (nos 18 pg 10 Relics )


British WWII Dummy training X Type Paratrooper Parachute (Pg1 SAS)


B17 Hustling Sue Ball Turret lock nut for hand elevation control (nos 16 pg 10 Relics )

B17 Hustling Sue  Mid upper Turret rheostat control (nos 15 pg 10 Relics )

Sperry Turret ejection chute roller (No 104 pg1 Arm)

Type P8 Spitfire Compass (Pg 5 Compasses and Clocks 83)

B17 Hustling Sue  part (nos 14 pg 10 Relics )


B17 Hustling Sue  part (nos 13 pg 10 Relics )

B17 Hustling Sue  part (nos 12 pg 10 Relics )

B17 Hustling Sue  part (nos 11 pg 10 Relics )

B17 Hustling Sue  part (nos 10 pg 10 Relics )

Sperry Turret Flexible shutter (No 103 pg1 Arm)

B17 Hustling Sue Turret part (nos 9 pg 10 Relics)


B17 Hustling Sue Type B-17 Mid upper Turret ammo chutes (nos 7 pg 10 Relics )

B17 Hustling Sue Turret  part (nos 1 pg 10 Relics )

B17 Hustling Sue Carb linkage ? (nos 8 pg 10 Relics )


B17 Hustling Sue station 2 airframe part  (nos 5 pg 10 Relics )

B17 Hustling Sue Type B-14 Pilot seatbelt buckle (nos 6 pg 10 Relics )

Wind finding attachment MK I (pg1 pilot)


McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom Control Grip (Cont pg3 No 31)

FW 190 Flap (pg1 air)

Pearl Harbour Film prop Flap (pg1 air)


B17 Hustling Sue Panel light switch (nos 4 pg 10 Relics )

Type P10 Compass (Pg 5 Compasses and Clocks 82)

Bristol Blenheim R 3912 (No.8 pg 9 Relics)

Several new relics from this aircraft listed today

ENG PUMPS Red Warning Light 5CX/1645 (No 49 pg1 Light)

Lamp Instrument 5CX/7904 (No 75 pg1 Light)

Red Warning Light Spitfire 5CX/1553 (No 74 pg1 Light)


B17 Hustling Sue Turret  part (nos 1 pg 10 Relics )

B17 Hustling Sue Turret  Turret Hydraulic unit plate (nos 2 pg 10 Relics )

B17 Hustling Sue K3/4 Gunsight (nos 3 pg 10 Relics )


Sperry Turret Hydraulic parts 645176 (No 1A pg1 Arm)

Hurricane Z5053 Cannon magazine - A (No 102 Pg1 Arm)

Hurricane Z5053 Cannon magazine - B (No 101 Pg1 Arm)

Pair of Hurricane Z5053 Cannon magazines - A and B (No 100 Pg1 Arm)


Magazine Type G.45 (No 98 Pg1 Arm)

30 MM Cannon belt (No 97 Pg1 Arm)

Mk XIV Bombsight (No 99 Pg1 Arm)

Type C - 5 Light (No 73 pg1 Light)

Wartime Morse Light (No 72 pg1 Light)

Light 5CX/5315 (No 71 pg1 Light)

Wooden Box (Pg1 Misc)


1940 dated pair of hip flasks John and Eric Troon (pg1 SAS)

RAF Navigators stop watch (Pg 5 Compasses and Clocks 81)

RAF Phantom UV cockpit lamp (No 70 pg1 Light)

RAF signal lamp (No 69 pg1 Light)


                                                                                                                             Spitfire 400 MPH MK IX E ASI 1940 (pg 2 ins ASI 70)

MKII Lancaster Crew Light Table Lamp 5 (No 68 pg1 Light)

Blind Flying Panel Fitting 1 (pg21 Inst)

Bomber Magneto Switch Long Stalk (No 111 pg 2 Elec Swit)


                                                                                                                                   350 Knots MK IXE ASI 1942 (pg 2 ins ASI 69)

                                                                                                                                   KI Gass Fuel Priming Pump (No 53 pg1 Fuel)

Bathtub Morse Key Switch 5 Type F (pg 4 Rad)

Fighter/Spitfire Magneto Switch (No 110 pg 2 Elec Swit)


Spitfire landing light (No 67 pg1 Light)

Carrier aircraft MK 3 Type C Undercarriage Indicator 5C/1978 *Incomplete* (Page16 Undercarriage Indicator 22)

Cockpit Light (No 66 pg1 Light)

Identification Light Morse Key 1 (pg 1 rad)

Bomber Magneto Switch Long Stalk (No 109 pg 2 Elec Swit)

MK IB Climb and Descend 1939 (Instruments pg 6 Climb and descend 13)

                                                                                                                                     Spitfire 400 MPH MK IX E ASI 1939 (pg 2 ins ASI 68)

Blind Panel ASI connectors (pg21 Inst)


Spitfire Hose 26AJ/21868  (No 74 pg 1 PWR)

Mosquito KB 224 Packard Merlin Propeller  (No.6 Pg 8 Relics)

Mosquito KB 224 Packard Merlin control rod (No.5 Pg 8 Relics)

Mosquito KB 224 Packard Cam support (No.4 Pg 8 Relics)

Mosquito KB 224 Packard Control rod(No.3 Pg 8 Relics)

Mosquito KB 224 Packard Piston Liner (No.2 Pg 8 Relics)

Mosquito KB 224 Packard Piston Liner (No.1 Pg 8 Relics)


RATOG Master switch (Pg1 U/C)

MK II Control Panel 6B/304 (pg1 rad)

                                                                                                                         Merlin parts from Lancaster JB659 (No.24 Pg 3 Relics)

Lancaster Bomb Pre Selector 2 (No 96 Pg1 Arm)


We have now uploaded a new Mosquito and Spitfire Relics pages.


Corsair JS590 backfire pressure release valve (No 52 pg1 Fuel)


Mk VIII Oxygen Regulator Gauge From Spitfire MK IX MJ 170 132 Squadron (No 10 Pg 6 Relics)

A3 EDO Lifeboat Hatch (pg1 pilot)

Bristol Blenheim R3912 Pair Of Hinges (No.2 pg 9 Relics)

Bristol Blenheim R3912 Oil Seal (No.3 pg 9 Relics)


 IFF Remote Contactor 3 Type 4 (No 22 pg1 Inst)


Lancaster Bomb distributor (Nos 95 pg1 Arm)


Air Gunners safety strap (No 94 Pg1 Arm)

Air Gunners safety strap (No 93 Pg1 Arm)

B29 Gun Turret compressor (No 92 Pg1 Arm)


Lancaster Auto Pilot Trim Gauge (Instruments 17 Trim gauge 9)

Triple Brake Gauge (Instruments pg 10 Brake gauges 18)


Mechanical Navigation Computer MK III H (pg1 pilot)


Lancaster Flap Gauge (Instruments Pg 9 Flap gauges 15)

Ammeter 5A/1631 (Instruments 18 Volt and Ammeter 31)


Russian Hurricane Merlin exhaust valve (No 73 pg 1 PWR)

Russian Hurricane Merlin inlet valve (No 72 pg 1 PWR)


Original Lancaster Undercarriage Indicator (Page16 Undercarriage indicators 21)

Mosquito Merlin  exhaust stub (No 71 pg 1 PWR)

Mosquito Merlin  exhaust stub (No 70 pg 1 PWR)


Original Seafire/Spitfire Ammunition Chute 3 (No 91 Pg1 Arm)

Original Seafire/Spitfire Ammunition Chute 2 (No 90 Pg1 Arm)

Original Seafire/Spitfire Ammunition Chute 1 (No 89 Pg1 Arm)


Mosquito Merlin  exhaust stub (No 69 pg 1 PWR)

Bombsight Cock Lancaster Mk 1 (No 88 pg1 Arm)

Original Seafire/Spitfire Ammunition Chute (No 89 Pg1 Arm)

Original Seafire/Spitfire Ammunition Chute 3 (No 91 Pg1 Arm)

Original Seafire/Spitfire Ammunition Chute 2 (No 90 Pg1 Arm)


Spitfire Rolls Royce Griffon Exhaust stub 3 (No 68 pg 1 PWR)

Spitfire Rolls Royce Griffon Exhaust stub 2 (No 67 pg 1 PWR)

Spitfire Rolls Royce Griffon Exhaust stub 1 (No 66 pg 1 PWR)


Low Pressure Oxygen Flexible Tubing (No 24 pg 1 oxy)

Oxygen Diluter Demand Regulator  (pg11 Oxygen gauges 35)


Rolls Royce Merlin Exhaust stub 4 (No 63 pg 1 PWR)


Hurricane Propeller Blade (pg1 prop)

Original MK IX Spitfire front cowling (pg1 air)


Rivet Tool (No 62 pg 1 PWR)

Rolls Royce Spark Plug Tool (No 61 pg 1 PWR)

Mk.1 Spitfire BTH Type AS-3 Starting Magneto (No 54 pg 1 PWR)


Mosquito MM 150 Merlin Piston and rod (pg1 rel)


Giro MK 10 Gunsight (pg2 Gun Nos 54)


B25 Fuel cap mount (No 51 pg1 Fuel)

P51 Chandler Fuel Pump (No 49 pg1 Fuel)

MK IB Climb and Descend Battle of Britain 1940 (Instruments pg 6 Climb & Descend 12)


320 MPH MK IXD ASI 1940 (pg 2 ins ASI 67)

320 MPH MK IXD ASI 1941 (pg 2 ins ASI 66)


Type P8 Compass (Pg 5 Compasses and Clocks 80)


Oil Pressure Gauge MK  XIE Short Cap (instruments page12 Pressure gauges 48)


Lancaster Z Friendly Fire Equipment (No 54 pg1 Gun)

Type A-4 Gunsight (No 53 pg1 Gun)

Gunsight Glass (No 9 pg2 Gun)

Gunsight Storage Box (No 8 pg2 Gun)

Gunsight Anti Aircraft Ring 4 (No 52 pg1 Gun)


Gunsight Anti Aircraft Ring 2 (No 50 pg1 Gun)

Gunsight Anti Aircraft Ring 3 (No 49 pg1 Gun)

Lancaster J Type Switch 3 (pg1 rad)

1941 Fuel Gauge (Instruments pg 8 Fuel gauges 84)


Original Spitfire Undercarriage Indicator (Page16 Undercarriage indicators 20)


Rare German Airforce Wrist Compass (pg 5 Clocks and compasses 79)

3 Way Switch (No 108 pg 2 Elec Swit)


Hurricane Fuel Tank Selector Switch (No 50 pg1 Fuel)

Nord 3202 250 MPH ASI Type 102 (pg 2 ins ASI Ref 65)

Fuel Pump (No 49 pg1 Fuel)

Low Pressure Oxygen Flexible Tubing (No 24 pg 1 oxy)

MKI E Fuel Pressure Switch Unit 6A/1912 (No 48 pg1 Fuel)

Heavy Duty Fuel Cock (No 47 pg1 Fuel)

Original Spitfire Fuel Push Button 2 (No 46 pg1 Fuel)


Raft Oxygen Bottle (No 23 pg 1 oxy)

Ultra Violet Cockpit Light Dimmer Switch (pg1 light)

MKII Lancaster Crew Light Table Lamp 3 (pg1 light)


BF 109 Oxygen Regulator (No 22 pg 1 oxy)

Cable (No 21 pg 1 oxy)

26FZ/1838 Cable (No 20 pg 1 oxy)


   Mk I Oxygen Manifold (No 19 pg 1 oxy)

MK 5A Low Pressure Oxygen Flexible Tubing (No 18 pg 1 oxy)

MK IV Oxygen Bayonet Fitting (No 17 pg 1 oxy)


Hurricane Z5053 Cannon and MG Mount (pg1 air)


P51 Mustang Ammunition Chute (pg 2 Arm)

Red Cordite Carrier (Pg1 Misc)

Switch 12/64 (No 107 pg 2 Elec Swit)

Combined Screw & Washer  Pack of 4 (No 65A pg 1 Elec Misc)


MK VIII 1940 dated Rad Temp Gauge (Page 14 temp gauges 30)

RAF Anti U Boat Leigh light Selsyn indicator and drive unit  (No 21 pg1 Inst)


VI Rudder Tail (pg1 Rocket)

MK II Day Fighter Reflector Gunsight (Pg1 Gun)

MK III A Reflector Gunsight Dated 1941 (Pg1 Gun)

MK IB Climb and descend 1942 (Instruments pg 5 Climb and descend 11`)

MK XIV Altimeter (Ins pg3 Altimeter 50)

MK XIV Altimeter (Ins pg3 Altimeter 49)


Lancaster Z Friendly Fire Equipment 1 (pg3 gun)

Meteor Control Grip (Cont pg3 No 30)

Merlin Ash Tray (Pg1 Misc)


Supermarine Seafire / Spitfire Armour Plate (Pg1 Seats 17)

Bristol Hercules Wellington Propeller Hub and Blades(pg1 prop)


24 Volt Junction Box 5D/1165 (No 62 pg 3 Elec Conn)

1940 British 2lb Shell (Deactivated and ordnance pg1)

20mm Shell Casing (pg1 SAS)

Brass Oil Cleaning kit from a.303 Rifle (pg1 SAS)


 Mid 19th Century Cordite Powder Bucket (pg1 SAS)


49 Gallon 12 Volt Fuel gauge FG 100 (Instruments pg 8 Fuel gauges 83)













































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