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Relics Page 9: Blenheim R3912


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Relics Page 9: Blenheim Relics

Relics Page 10 B17 42-30156

 This section contains 100% genuine relics of the great aerial conflict Second World War including the Battle of Britain. We have added this section due to numerous enquires for this sort of personal history. All items will have been legally recovered and supported with authentification. Many parts listed in other sections of the site can be linked to the correct aircraft types. The following pieces listed on these pages are from aircraft crash sites and details of the, Squadron, Pilot ,exact date, combat details, aircraft type, and serial number. In most cases if not already supplied it will be possible for a small fee to receive copies of the Squadron Operational record book and official combat reports which are available from the record office at Kew. We have found that its allot more economical to employ the services of a professional researcher. Its costs around £50 to locate and take copies of original documents. Obviously these are crash relics and will not be in a usable condition, its the history that counts and it is possible for example to build up a collection of a Battle of Britain items from start of the battle until the end . Spitfire Spares does not support the recovery of wreckage from anything classified as a War grave or any recovery not fully compliant with the current legislation. Respect for the Brave aircrew is paramount and we will not offer or purchase any personal items recovered from aircrew killed in action serving their Country.  


  The following parts were recovered under licence from the crash site of  Bristol Blenheim R3912. It crashed on the 5th of July 1942 after a practise bombing mission. You can see pictures of the recovery here link
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 Bristol Blenheim R 3912 (No.8 pg 9 Relics)

Blenheim  R3912. appears to have the remains of a roundel with traces of red and yellow paint.

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Out of stock more wanted please contact me

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Bristol Blenheim R 3912 (No.7 pg 9 Relics)

Blenheim Blenheim  R3912 a part of one of the engines.

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Due to size and price of this part we cannot apply free international shipping please contact me for a quote.

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Bristol Blenheim R 3912 (No.6 pg 9 Relics)

 Blenheim Blenheim  R3912

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Bristol Blenheim R 3912 (No.5 pg 9 Relics)

  Blenheim  R3912 possibly part of the bomb release this would look amazing polished and mounted there is a small brass peace shown on the bottom far right picture, bottom far right of the picture.

That carries the part number Arm 217/2 there are multiple part numbers all staring with Arm

Arm 218 3 505

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Bristol Blenheim R 3912 (No.4 pg 9 Relics)

Blenheim  R3912 large peace of the airframe with inspection cover. Possibly part of the underside of the wing as it has grey paint on it.

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Due to size and price of this part we cannot apply free international shipping please contact me for a quote.

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Bristol Blenheim R3912 Oil Seal R 3912 (No.3 pg 9 Relics)

Oil seal from a Bristol Engine made at Filton Bristol recovered from the crash site of Blenheim R3912. A beautiful brass peace that could be polished.

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Out of stock more wanted please contact me


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Bristol Blenheim R3912 Pair Of Hinges (No.2 pg 9 Relics)

Here are a pair of hinges recovered from the crash site of Blenheim R3912.

Ref No: 77070

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Bristol Blenheim R3912 Generator (No.1 pg 9 Relics)

This is the generator from R3912 with the mounting bracket still attached.

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Due to size and price of this part we cannot apply free international shipping please contact me for a quote.







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