
The Rigging, Maintenance and
Inspection of Aircraft Nos 38 (pg2
Here we have a Pitman's Guide to
The Rigging, Maintenance and Inspection of Aircraft ("A"
one of many Manuals published by Pitman's for Ground
Engineer Licence Applicants
This Book was Published in 1941 and was written by
E.J.C Speller A.F.R.Ae.S



of Aero Engines during Manufacture, Overhaul and Test Nos 39 (pg2
Here we have a Pitman's Guide
Aero Engines, Inspection of during Manufacture,
Overhaul and Test ("C" and "D" Licences)
one of many Manuals published by Pitman's for Ground
Engineer Licence Applicants
This is the Ninth Edition and was published in 1942



of Aircraft after Overhaul Nos 40 (pg2
Here we have a Pitman's Guide
Aero Engines, Inspection of Aircraft after
Overhaul ("B" Licences)
one of many Manuals published by Pitman's for Ground
Engineer Licence Applicants
This is the Fourth Edition and was published in 1941


Electricity in
Aircraft Nos 41 (pg2
Here we have a Pitman's Guide to
Electricity in Aircraft
one of many Manuals published by Pitman's for Ground
Engineer Licence Applicants
This is the Second Edition and was published in 1942


The Aircraft
Bench Fitter Nos 42 (pg2
Here we have a Pitman's Guide
for the Aircraft bench Fitter
one of many Manuals published by Pitman's for Ground
Engineer Licence Applicants
This is the Second Edition and was published in 1941
Spot them in the
Air Nos 44
(pg2 books)
Published by the Daily Mail

Camouflage Simply Explained Nos 47
(pg2 books)


British Aircraft Nos 50 (pg2 books)
British Aircraft is a book By R.A.Saville-Sneath
It Shows the Different Types of Aircraft and engines
being used by the British
This is Volume 2 and was First Published by Penguin
Books in 1944



British, German and Italian Aircraft Nos 51 (pg2 books)
Aircraft Identification book with 320 Drawings and
Published by Hutchinson & Co Ltd


Aeronautics Nos 53 (pg2 books)
The Science and Practice of Aerial Machines
Written by Albert P Thurston
This Book has 126 Illustrations
Published 1911




Aeroplanes &
Engines (AirSense) Nos 54 (pg2 books)
For those Engaged in or Interested in Flying
Written by W.O. Manning
Second Edition
Published 1941 by Pitman's



The Aeroplane Nos 55 (pg2 books)
Griffins Aeronautical Series
Written by A Fage
Fourth Edition
Published 1917 by Charles Griffon and Company


Henson and
Stringfellow (Science Museum 1931)
Nos 56 (pg2 books)
Their work in Aeronautics
The History of a Stage in the Development of Mechanical
Written by J.B Davy
Published 1931 by HMSO



The Link Trainer Nos 57 (pg2 books)
Aeroplane Maintenance and Operation Series, Volume 8
General Editor E.Malloy
With Sixty One Illustrations
Published 1941 by George Newnes Ltd



Landing Legs,
Wheels and Brakes Nos 58 (pg2 books)
Aeroplane Maintinance and Operation Series, Volume 3
General Editor E.Malloy
With One Hundred and Twenty Nine Illustrations
Published 1941 by George Newnes Ltd



The Care and Maintenance of Aircraft Nos 59 (pg2 books)
The Association of Engineering and Shipbuilding Design
Second Edition (Revised)
Published in 1932 by Airways Publications Ltd



Aeroplane Design
AESD Nos 60 (pg2 books)
The Association of Engineering and Shipbuilding Design
Written by R. Rodger
Published by George Newnes Ltd in 1932


£ 80

Aircraft Servicing Manual Nos 61 (pg2 books)
Written by C.F. Preston and G.W.Wiliamson
Published by Paul Elk Ltd 1945



Airship Wreck Nos 62 (pg2 books)
Written by
Len Deighton & Arnold Schwatzman



From Bleriot to
Spitfire Nos 63 (pg2 books)
Belriot to Spitfire
Flying the Historic aeroplanes of the Shuttleworth
Edited by David Ogilvy



Fighter Command
Nos 64 (pg2 books)
Fighter Command 1936-1968
An Operational & Historical Record
Written by Ken Delve
This is a comprehensive reference to the structure,
operation, aircraft and men of Fighter Command. The main
sections of the book include a general historical
introduction and overview, operations, operational groups,
aircrew training and technical details of each aircraft
type. Lengthy Annexes cover personnel, the squadrons in
World War II, orders of battle for each wartime year, maps
of airfield locations and numbers of enemy aircraft downed.



Flying Legends Nos 65
(pg2 books)
A photographic
study of the great piston combat aircraft of WWII
Written By John Dibbs
The Second World War triggered the
greatest technological leap in aviation since manned flight
began. In the short space of six years, military aircraft
were taken from open cockpit biplanes on a summer's day, to
fighters that were encountering the compressibility problems
associated with the sound barrier, while conquering the
skies of 40,000 feet plus. The necessitudes of the conflict
focused the industries of the global powers, which achieved
dazzling results. Represented in this splendid volume are
images of these aircraft-the last of the gladitorial steeds.
The award winning air to air photography of John Dibbs is
complemented by a selection of breathtaking archives from
the conflict, which can only truly illustrate the spirit and
humanity behind these "Flying Legends".



History of the RAF
Nos 66 (pg2 books)
Written By Chaz Bowyer
Published by Crescent
Books, New York, 1977



Mosquito Wooden
Nos 67 (pg2 books)
The Pan / Ballentine Illustrated
History of WWII
Written By Edward Bishop
Published by Ballentine Books Inc



Osprey Series - Mosquito Nos
68 (pg2 books)
Fighter/ Fighter Bomber Units of
The second volume in the trilogy of Combat Aircraft titles
devoted to de Havilland's 'wooden wonder', this book focuses
on the Mosquito fighter/fighter-bomber variants, and their
users. From its earliest development phase, the aircraft was
considered as much a fighter as a bomber, and this was duly
reflected when the original 1940 Air Ministry order for 50
Mosquito bombers was modified to 20 bombers and 30 fighters.
This volume is the first of its kind exclusively dedicated
to the fighter/fighter-bomber variants of de Havilland's
classic World War II (1939-1945) aircraft.
Written By Martin Bowman
Published by Osprey Publishing


Click on the Pictures to Enlarge

Mosquito Nos
69 (pg2 books)
In this exciting new title the author tells
the story of the aircraft, De Havilland Mosquito and those who flew
it. Enshrined in history as the wooden wonder , the de
Havilland Mosquito was arguably the most beautiful aircraft
ever built and also to fly. Loved and respected by its
flight crew and opponents respectively, it is one of the
iconic aircraft of World War 2. Although originally designed
as a bomber for the RAF, its performance rivalled that of
most fighters of the time and the Mosquito undertook a range
of duties unsurpassed by any other military aircraft -
daytime tactical bomber, night-time high altitude bomber,
day and night fighter, photo - reconnaissance and
pathfinder. The original conception of the Mosquito was
unusual - to make use of the spare capacity in Britain's
furniture making industry to construct a wooden aircraft -
but once the aircraft took to the skies it was an immediate
sensation. It could carry a huge range of hardware yet keep
speed and manoeuvrability and its construction gave it
ruggedness and an ability to bring its crew home. The
aircraft is associated with some of the most famous names of
World War 2 - such as Guy Gibson and Leonard Cheshire - as
well as some of the most daring operations of the war, such
as the low level daylight raids on Amiens prison in 1944. On
the Gestapo headquarters in the Hague in 1944 and the
Gestapo headquarters in Copenhagen in 1945. In addition the
Mosquito flew thousands of everyday pathfinder, bombing,
night fighter, photo - reconnaissance sorties with great
precision and a far lower rate of losses than most other
aircraft. Combining 150 superb historical and present day
photographs with in depth and descriptive content, this
title is sure to be a hit amongst aviation enthusiasts
Written By Mark Nelson
Published by Midland Publishing


Click on the Pictures to Enlarge
Mosquito at War Nos
70 (pg2 books)
First hand accounts and over 200 photographs
show the Mosquito at war...The Mosquito was a daring
concept. That an unarmed bomber constructed almost wholly of
wood and relying on pure speed, could evade the immensely
powerful air defences of Nazi Germany by night let alone by
day was completely against contemporary Air Force thinking
and war experienc. Te result was and an aircraft that became
one of the most successful Fighter and Bomber of WWII
Written By Chaz Bowyer
Published by Midland Publishing



Click on the Pictures to Enlarge
Nos 71 (pg2 books)
British Airships of the First World War
Battlebags is the first book to record and describe in
detail every single airship built or used by Great Britain
during the First World War. The background to each class is
given together with details on individual airships,
including where they were built and stationed, their known
crews, plus technical information and particulars of notable
flights and total hours flown. The author, Ces Mowthorpe,
also describes the development of the airship in the years
leading up to the First World War and the part it was
destined to play in the years that followed
Written By Ces Mowthorpe
Published by Sutton Publishing Ltd


Click on the Pictures to Enlarge
Raymond Baxter's
Farnborough Commentary Nos 73 (pg2 books)
Written by Raymond Baxter
Published by Patrick Stephens Ltd


Click on the Pictures to Enlarge
Who Destroyed
the Hindenburg Nos 74 (pg2 books)
In May of 1937 the great German zeppelin Hindenburg made
world-wide news by exploding just as it began to moor at
Lakehurst, New Jersey, after one of its frequent
Transatlantic flights. Luxuriously built, carrying 50
passengers in great comfort across the Atlantic in two days,
the big ship was the pride of Hitler's Third Reich. But its
flights were made under the constant threat of sabotage or
crank mischief in those tense, strife ridden days leading up
to the second World War. In fact the very fatal flight of
the Hindenburg that May was preceded by warning letters,
supernatural dreams of disaster by a German in Milwaukee,
and the belief on the part of the Gestapo someone was trying
to destroy the ship. The consequent explosion, the inquiry,
the possibilities of sabotage, and the whereabouts of the
survivors today are the close concern of the author.
Although an interesting book, its subject is of only
academic interest years later.
Written by A.A Hoehling


Click on the Pictures to Enlarge
My Airship
Flights Nos 75 (pg2 books)
In the history of the airship no other flyer can have had a
richer record of experience than Captain Meager; his
association with them spans from the decision of the British
Admiralty in the early part of 1915 to build some small
airships to act as submarine scouts, right through to the
last flight of R.100 and to the tragedy involving R.101
which followed a month later in the autumn of 1930
Written by Captain George Meager


Click on the Pictures to Enlarge
Stability & Control for Pilots and Engineers Nos 76 (pg2 books)
Written by Squadron Leader B. Dickinson
Pitmans Aeronautical Series
Owned by W/Cdr Peter Henley with his Name inscribed on the
Front Cover

Click on the Pictures to Enlarge

The Flying Cathedral
Nos 77 (pg2 books)
The Story of Samuel Franklin Cody
Written by Arthur Gould Lee


Click on the Pictures to Enlarge

The Mighty Eighth in Colour
Nos 78 (pg2 books)
A Good Book for any aviation enthusiasts who find 1942-45
one of the most dramatic and interesting periods of aviation
history, as this covers the US Air Force deployment and
operations in Europe in support of the Allied air war
effort. Enthusiasts crave every item of information from
this era, particularly photographic images.
Prized above all are the extremely rare but totally genuine
colour photographs of life in the Eighth Air Force. For the
air force veteran who lived through these exciting times and
'remembers in colour', most of the printed records he is
offered are reproduced in black and white and are thus
always slightly disappointing. Now, uniquely, these veterans
have access as never before to over 400 evocative colour
scenes of the years when the Eighth Air Force stationed its
men and aircraft in Britain. Here are the images of
personnel and weaponry on and off duty, with each and every
British base fully covered through authentic period colour
The job of collecting this wealth of magnificent colour
material has been the work of one man — the only one who
could have succeeded so completely. Roger Freeman has become
recognized internationally as the leading historian of the
Eighth Air Force and its time in Europe. His three Mighty
Eighth books and related titles have sold hundreds of
thousands of copies worldwide, and as a result he is widely
consulted by veterans groups, film and television companies
and fellow historians as the reliable source of information
on this subject.
The Mighty Eighth in Colour presents its subject in wholly
genuine colour for the first time ever and will delight
everyone who has an interest in this great period of wartime
Written by Roger Freeman

Click on the Pictures to Enlarge

To Ride
the Storm
Nos 79 (pg2 books)
The Story of Airship R.101
When on its first overseas flight R.101 crashed at Beauvais
in northern France only hours out of Cardington, the nation
was stunned, Sir Peter Masefield, over a period of nearly 40
yrs. with his profound knowledge of Aviation and remorseless
but sympathetic curiosity have enabled him to produce a
Written by Sir Peter G Masefield


Nos 80 (pg2 books)
The German Airship Story
A collection of unpublished archive photographs
portraying the development, testing and deployment of this
invention, which served both military and civilian aviation
Written by Manfred Griehl and Joachim Dressel

Click on the Pictures to Enlarge


Zeppelins Over England
Nos 81
(pg2 books)
The German Airship Story
This is the story of the first air raids in history and of
the part played by the Royal Flying Corps and the Royal
Naval Air Service in defeating its raiders. It is a
finely-told record of London under fire and of how a few
young daredevil airmen in primitive aeroplanes saved the
capital. Written with authority and fully documented, this
book gives the first complete picture, from the enemy side
as well as our own, of the epic duel between the huge
powered balloon, a lighter-than-air leviathan, and the
clumsy aircraft with pilots who fought from open cockpits.
Written by Kenneth Poolman

Click on the Pictures to Enlarge
Duties in the Field Nos 82
(pg2 books)
Published by the War Office 1969
Outer stiff card. All papers with ring pulls. Various
annexes. Provides a huge amount of details - Communications,
Codes, Security, Ammunition, Roads, etc and various charts.
Contained in a Loxit Binder
Mosquito Nos 83
(pg2 books)
Witten By Bill
Sweetman with Illustrations from Rikyu Watanabe
Published by Janes Publishing Company 1981

Click on the
Pictures to Enlarge

Aeroplane Instruments (Part
Nos 84
(pg2 books)
Aeroplane Maintinance and Operation Series Volume 12
with K.B.B and K.B.B-Kollsman Instruments and the Operation
of the Smith Autopilot
With One
Hundered and Ten Illustations
You Will
Receive a Hard Copy of the Original Book. The cost of
reprinting these is expensive but the quality is hard bound
and a new copy of the original.
Click on the
Pictures to Enlarge


Click on the
Pictures to Enlarge

Luftwaffe at War 1939-45
Nos 85
(pg2 books)
Luftwaffe at War 1939 - 45
A Pictorial
Written by A. Galland, K Ries and A Ahnert

Click on the
Pictures to Enlarge

This is signed by Three
Veterans of WW2
Squadron Leader Kenholt DFC
Reinhard Kraus a Stuka Pilot
form 13 Staffel
Unfortunately I Cannot Make
out the the Third Signature

Click on the
Pictures to Enlarge
Fighters Over Russia Nos 86 (pg2 books)
Fighters over Russia
Part of the Luftwaffe at War Series
Written by Manfred Griehl

Click on the
Pictures to Enlarge

Click on the
Pictures to Enlarge
Sky Battles Nos
87 (pg2 books)
Battles, Sky Warrior
of Exciting Air Combat
Written by Alfred Price

Click on the
Pictures to Enlarge
Osprey FW190
Modelling Manual Nos 89 (pg2 books)
Osprey Modelling Manual 20 examines the Focke-Wulf 190,
which entered Luftwaffe service in 1941.
It would serve out
the war as the best of all German fighters and
fighter-bombers, and its variants would include Kurt Tank's
extreme Ta152 tank-buster version (4 x 20mm, 1 x 30mm
cannon). With detailed step-by-step model photography,
specially commissioned walkround photography, scale drawings
and wartime shots,
These books will provide all the details
needed to model the most common A8 version as well as the
long-nosed FW190D and other variants. There is a full
roundup of the models available on the market, details of
where you can see the real thing, a select bibliography, and
survey of websites of interest.