Have nearly worked my way
through the bits. wrinkly fingers and many cuts. Photos are enclosed. The
stain at the bottom of the hole was the engine oil left when the navy
winched the motor out. Those shiny bits Gareth pulled out of the bottom of the
hole were pieces of the end of the prop boss, the nut from the centre was in
amongst it as well. You can see from the pictures it has traces of yellow
paint. The bits of bakelite cockpit light turned out to be the base of a US
Navy gunsight. There are still plenty of mystery bits!
Ian Hodgkiss
This is a record of the recovery of
A Brewster built Corsair II JS590, 759
Squadron Yeovilton on 09/09/07
Brewster built
Corsair II JS590, 759 Squadron Yeovilton. Spun at about 4500
ft during dog fighting exercise. Late recovery, dived into
field near Charlton Mackrell, 13th January 1945.
Sub Lieutenant
Richard Catlin Scriminger, 22, Buried Scarborough (Manor
Road) Cemetery
This aircraft was according to a local
eye witness subject to a thorough recovery at the time of its crash lasting a
week. It would appear that the team have recovered what was thrown back into
the hole. I will add text to the picture's tomorrow as I want to go to bed.
Please remember
these picture's are original and subject to copyright. If you wish to use them
contact me and I will seek the permission of the team.
I hope you enjoyed the recovery of Brewster built
Corsair II JS590, 759 Squadron Yeovilton.
I am grateful to Ian and the team for
allowing me to record this excavation so we can all share in the experience.
Please spare a moment to think
about Sub Lieutenant
Richard Catlin Scriminger, 22, who died serving his
Country tragically in the closing year of the War. He is buried in Scarborough (Manor
Road) Cemetery. If you are passing why not pay your